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The Root Cause of Cancer

The Root Cause of Cancer

The Root Cause of Cancer-Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Otto H Warburg By Steve Marmor  All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, according to Dr. Otto Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1931, for his work on cancer.   “Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may […]

Quantum Reflex Analysis: What if your body could talk to you?

Quantum Reflex Analysis: What if your body could talk to you?

By Steve Marmor What if your body could talk to you and tell you exactly what it needed to be healthy? Would it tell you that you need specific nutritional support? A different diet? Certain detox procedures? Yes, your body can “talk” to you through the amazing bio-communication technique known as Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA). […]

Skin, Hair & Nails

Skin, Hair & Nails

By Steve Marmor Skin,  Hair & Nails The skin is the largest and most exposed organ of the body and virtually all skin conditions that manifest are coming from within. That is, the skin is a reflection of the blood chemistry, and of course, many things affect the blood chemistry (i.e., the intestines, kidneys, liver […]

You Don’t Catch Colds, You Earn Them !!!

You Don’t Catch Colds, You Earn Them !!!

Create a Bullet-Proof Immune System By Steve Marmor herbalist, iridologist, nutritional consultant Most of the time, it’s pretty easy to get rid of a cold and just about any other acute ailment, too. Basically, all you have to do to get rid of a cold is remove the cause. Oh, you’re thinking that means to […]

Chronic Fatigue is a Challenge You Can Overcome!

Chronic Fatigue is a Challenge You Can Overcome!

By Steve Marmor  herbalist, iridologist, nutritional consultant As a health practitioner for over two decades, the most common issues I see with people every day have to do with energy problems, commonly called Chronic Fatigue. People are flat out exhausted and don’t know what to do about it. The most common approach to this problem for most people […]

Why the Traditional Medical Community Leaves a Lot to Be Desired

Why the Traditional Medical Community Leaves a Lot to Be Desired

High Cholesterol? Take this pill. Type 2 diabetes? Try this medication. Heart disease? I hear there’s a new prescription that does wonders. Depression? No problem; this drug or maybe another drug will do the trick for you. You’ve heard the promises, and maybe you’ve even tried to chase health concerns away with pharmaceuticals. They can be […]

Fiber Facts and Whole-Grain Truths

Fiber Facts and Whole-Grain Truths

Fiber is great—it fills you up so you’re less likely to overeat, its roughage promotes colon health, it reduces cholesterol and helps keep blood glucose in balance, which helps fight inflammation, to name several benefits of fiber. The best sources of fiber are raw fruits and vegetables, from foods like broccoli and spinach to apples and […]

Herbal Immune Boosters for Children

Herbal Immune Boosters for Children

Let’s talk about which herbs can help build your child’s resistance to disease. One of the best herbs for your immune system is echinacea. This plant contains a substance that inhibits the spread of bacterial infections, while activating and stimulating the production of white blood cells. Historically, echinacea has been used to prevent and treat […]

The Pros of Probiotics

The Pros of Probiotics

As a society, we spend a lot of energy trying to stamp out bacteria—anti-bacterial cleansers, hand soaps, and anti-biotic(against life) medications are used and often abused. But the fact is that some bacteria are essential to our health. We call these probiotics (for life) and they aid in healthy digestion and immunity. They break down our […]

OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW (bowel cleansing) !!!

OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW (bowel cleansing) !!!

By Steve Marmor After the holidays or anytime you feel like “cleaning up”, consider a bowel cleansing protocol to “change the oil” in your own vessel after the holiday cheer. None of us would think about going a hundred thousand miles without an oil change or tire rotation when it comes to our cars. Most of […]

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