Digestive Problems
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Digestive Problems of all kinds are everywhere…At Herbs & More, one of our specialty areas is working with people on all kinds of digestive problems. From Constipation to Colitis, Crohns, irritable bowel, ileo-cecal valve issues, hiatal hernias, nausea, etc.
Here are several testimonials from people who had challenges with digestive problems of one sort or another, and results they were able to achieve…
1) “I was suffering from an extreme case of ulcerative colitis and had been under a doctors care and treatment for 18 months. I was taking Lialda and Entocort to treat my symptoms. My symptoms improved somewhat, but I still had a lot of diarrhea each day. A friend recommended Steve Marmor at the health center, Herbs & More. He suggested I had a hiatal hernia after testing me. He suggested four different supplements to be taken each day and said I would feel better in three days. I did feel much better within the three days and now, after three weeks, my symptoms have improved dramatically.” Nancy, 01/15/2011.
2) ” I have a strong tendency towards constipation. I have been purchasing the product lbs 11 from you since you opened, back in 1993. It works great and I enjoy its gentleness and it is always a consistent product. Thanks for supplying me with this procduct and your support”. Donna G. 08/07/2010.
3) ” I came in looking for help. I had symptoms that were alarming to me: pain in the left side of my stomach and the feeling of being full just after 2 bites of almost anything I ate. Steve took the time to listen to me and help me choose herbal supplements he personally selected for my condition. Both herbals worked wonderfully! I feel I am at 100% again with no symptoms whatsoever. I thank Steve for being so caring and professional”! Cynthia D. June 7, 2004.
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