Your Liver is the back-up system to the intestines. All of the blood coming out of your intestinal tract passes through the liver before being carried to other parts of the body. Just as the large bowel is the primary external organ of elimination (meaning the primary way toxins are pushed out of the body), the liver is the most important internal organ of detoxification. Its primary job is to neutralize toxins that get into your system.
In essence, your liver is your second line of defense and periodic liver cleansing is a way to maintain the health of this very important organ that works dutifully everyday of your life. When the first line of defense—your intestines—has been compromised, your liver acts as a backup defense to keep toxic substances out of our blood. It is able to do this thanks to hundreds of enzymes systems that break down toxins and process nutrients.
In today’s world, your liver has a tough time of it. Not only does it have to process toxins generated by poorly digested nutrients and leaky gut, it also has to process food additives, colors, dyes, preservatives, and environmental toxins. With the average person consuming much more of these chemicals than they should each year, the liver has its job cut out for it.
Periodic liver cleansing is important because the liver is burdened with an excessive load of toxins, and over time it will begin to weaken. As the liver gets weaker, it becomes less efficient in filtering toxins, and your body’s second line of defense starts to break down. This can open the doors to: headaches, sluggishness, lethargy, moodiness, skin problems, sleep problems, hormone imbalances, weight gain, bloating, high or low cholesterol, thyroid problems, allergies and a host of other symptoms that can manifest as a result of inefficient liver function.
At Herbs & More in Encinitas, Ca. 760 753-7272, we have a variety of liver cleansing and tonifying formulas that can be helpful in the proper maintenance of your liver. Stop in or contact us today to get your liver on the “fast track” to performing and functioning at its very best!