Since cell phones were introduced in 1984, there has been a 25% increase in brain tumors and amongst young people up to age 20 years, there has been an eight times increase in those brain tumors of that 25%. Skull thickness is less thick in youngsters compared with adults and that allows for easier and deeper penetration and disruption of cells affected by cell phone radiation.
An ounce of prevention…
Obviously it is not easy or reasonable to give up cell phones as they have become a neccesity in our daily life. So the question is, how can we keep using them yet protect ourselves? One of the most effective solutions is an EMF harmonizing chip which adheses to your phone or other electrical device. These safe and inexpensive ($25.00, includes shipping) bio-chips available through Herbs & More in Encinitas, Ca. 760 753-7272, are activated and programmed to neutralize and harmonize the range of frequencies that emanate from cell phones and other EMF emitting devices.
Once the chip is applied to the phone or other electrical device, the effects of harmful electro-magnetic frequencies are effectively neutralized, making them safer to use.
When it comes down to it, wireless technology is here to stay, whether we like it or not. Approaching this technology with caution and protection will allow us to benefit from the technology and remain safer at the same time.
Asterisk: It is always best, bio-chip or not, to reduce our EMF exposure. The fallout from technology is often not fully known for years or decades after technology has permeated society.