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Your Blood—Lagoon or Himalayan Glacial Stream? Acidity and alkalinity are at opposite ends of the chemical spectrum known as the pH scale. The scale gets its name from the term, “potential of hydrogen”, meaning the amount of hydrogen ions in that solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 (extremely acidic) to 14 (extremely alkaline), with […]

The Adrenal Glands: The Mighty Little Ones!

The Adrenal Glands: The Mighty Little Ones!

By Steve Marmor The adrenal glands are small glands located on the most upper part of the kidneys, near the middle of the back. The adrenal glands are known as the “fight or flight” glands. In a stressful situation, the adrenal glands will secrete a hormone (epinephrine) to prepare our bodies for action. In a […]



By Steve Marmor Headaches, of course, are one of the most common types of pain that people take pain killers for. But no one ever cured themselves of headaches by the use of painkillers. The pain killers simply shut down or interfere with the pain messages which are telling a person something is wrong. There […]

Health & Sickness, The Symptom Is Not The Cause!

Health & Sickness, The Symptom Is Not The Cause!

By Steve Marmor Through the work of a 19th century herbalist, Samuel Thomson, we have learned to think of the body as a wood stove. Like a stove, our body takes in air and fuel and burns it to create heat and energy. It also has to eliminate the waste products (smoke and ash) from […]

The Glandular System: The Interconnected Network

The Glandular System: The Interconnected Network

By Steve Marmor The glandular system is a communication network that controls and regulates a wide range of functions within our bodies—including sleep, growth, sexual development, metabolism, body temperature, tissue repair and generating energy. The human body has two types of glands. Exocrine glands secrete fluids through a duct or a tube. Endocrine glands secrete […]

Acids Should Run Batteries, Not Bodies

Acids Should Run Batteries, Not Bodies

By Steve Marmor As you read these words, you are generating acid. Not only are you generating acid, you are eliminating it. This is done all the time. Your cells produce acid as they function and your lungs eliminate it every time you exhale. Your body must constantly contend with acid. The acid your body […]

The Urinary System: Your Body’s Clean team

The Urinary System: Your Body’s Clean team

By Steve Marmor The urinary anatomy includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder and a urethra. The ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder then connects to the urethra, which ultimately leads to an opening out of the body. The kidneys puruify the blood. Think of them as your janitorial staff. Each kidney […]

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

By Steve Marmor Sodas, diet sodas, sport beverages, carbonated energy drinks, Vitamin Water, Gatorade and the like contain phosphoric acid, which can severely deplete blood calcium levels. Calcium is a key component of the bones. This means that drinking carbonated beverages increases your risk of osteoporosis. Also, refined sugars, compromised intestinal function and lack of […]

The Structural System: Strong Framework or “Weak Construction”

The Structural System: Strong Framework or “Weak Construction”

By Steve Marmor The structural (or musculoskeletal ) system is the body’s supportive framework. It consists of bones and marrow, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage and muscles. Bones serve many functions: they give structural support to the body, protect vital organs, provide an environment for marrow ( where blood cells are produced ) and store minerals. […]

Free Health Class Every Wednesday, 12:30-1:30, at Herbs & More in Encinitas, Ca. 760 753-7272

Free Health Class Every Wednesday, 12:30-1:30, at Herbs & More in Encinitas, Ca. 760 753-7272

As a nation, we’ve got serious digestion and elimination problems. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common chronic medical condition in the western world, with 15-20 percent of all adolescents and adults suffering from it. Join me, this Wednesday, when we will get to the cause of gastro-intestinal issues of all kinds, including: colitis, […]

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